About Us
Kloset Envy is an online store that is all about creating new trends and styles. Our motto is looking good and stylish without breaking the bank. We show you all the latest styles at an affordable price. We’ve been making sure our KE Babes are The Envy of fashion since 2012. We want you to feel beautiful , sexy and confident in your own skin. No matter the occasions the place or event we’ve got you covered.
With Our KE Exclusives everyone can have a new outlook on Fashion and confidence to take chances and set trends that no one has seen before. With fresh ideas and outrageous uses of a creative imagination, anything is possible when you’re wearing Kloset Envy. Wear what you love, captivate who you are, create your own essence of style. KE Exclusive are our in house designs that are Edgy and Chic and are inspired by having an edgy sense of style and "thinking outside of the box" in a sense that "Creativity Meets Artistic Ability”. Fashion is a way of Artistic expression, so, with these elements together we create new trends of fashion. We want everyone to be able to express themselves without saying anything, it’s like a silent hello. At Kloset Envy we design our pieces with every woman in mind. So go ahead and Be The Envy, KE babes.